Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Not even a single day I could make Rs 1000/- for the last 20trading sessions. The reasons could be many. I call it like STORIES.
In my earlier trading days I never lost money on any given day for two months in a row.
Now there is lot of confusion, mis-reading the screen and wrong calculations…what not many things are generating tabulating for confusion. The turbulence in the mind is heavy and forcing me to take un-necessary positions causing me to PAY for IT.
I lost heavly during Jan-12 boom. I asked every body to buy in the market from last week of Dec-11 but unfortunately I kept a short position in TATASTEEL. I converted the day position in to a night position, paid heavy penality. The next day unfortunate position was taken, instead of covering the old one, we took another short position. The market zoomed like any thing. The beauty part is we lost our TWO internet connections. Calling the broker to square off the positions lead to Rs 15000 loss. So kept for one more day..loss is mounting…brick batting…blame game…Sleepless nights…everything crystallized to a loss of Rs55000 LOSS. I still remember the trauma. The suffering is heavy but I didn’t lost my smile on my face. Because I have not opted the position but failed to manage.

I have very good experience in managing my positions….MY TALL CLAIM…
Now I am not getting the confidence due to my On & Off screen management and readings…
At one time when my energies are high…I thought of building an empire for the deserving people ...needs to be supported…all is DREAM…the reality is …I am in requesting position….
The FACT is I have tremendous and stupendous STOCK MARKET knowledge…but behaving like a Stupid…loosing all opportunities for want of some thing…I have No eligibility to do any sacrifice…Only to take on the Challenges…

The WINNER is the one who accepts Challenges and convert them into success stories…where as the loser will succumbs to pressure an seek sympathy  from the …

The CAPACITIES are built on CONFIDENCE to ACHIVE and the Bench Marks of Success CYCLES goes…on..


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Transgene Biotek Ltd.

I have been recommending this stock for INVESTMENT buying ever since I saw the growth in the sales from mere 0.5 cr to 5 cr in a quarter. This has been happening for the last 4-5 quarters. I am blindly supporting the stock from Rs 26-30 levels but the stock fell relentlessly from there to Rs 8-9 range. Where as the products pipeline has the opportunity to out perform is not happening in the bourses. The equity has grossly bloated from 15 cr to 65 cr with in two years (2010-12).  
BSE- Notices for refernece:
Notice No
Notice Date
05 May 2011
Company related
Listing of new securities of Transgene Biotek Ltd.

Trading members of the Exchange are hereby informed that the under mentioned securities of Transgene Biotek Ltd, (Scrip Code: 526139, ISIN No INE773D01018) are listed and admitted for trading on the Exchange with effect from Friday, May 06, 2011.

Security Details
2,50,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10/- each issued underlying  Global Depository Receipts (1GDR = 10 Equity Shares)
of the Company.
These shares are ranking pari passu with the existing
equity shares of the company.
Date of Allotment
Dist. Nos.
15770001 to 40770000
Price per GDR
US $ 9.2

In case trading members require any clarification on the subject matter of the notice, they may please contact the undersigned on Tel. Nos. 022 2272 8899.

(Pavan V. Naik)
Deputy Manager - Dept. of Corporate Services